PNBC’s First Networking Luncheon
On 9 June 2011, Philippines Norway Business Council held its first Networking Luncheon for its members and colleagues in the industry. The event attracted 43 participants, and was held at I’m Angus Steakhouse in Makati City.
The two resource speakers, Mr. Ole Johan Sandvær, and Mr. Egil Rensvik, came from Innovation Norway’s office in Singapore, and held an interesting presentation on Innovation Norway’s role in Asia and the future opportunities for this region.
Their presentation titled “Innovation Norway in South East Asia puts focus on business opportunities related to sustainable development in maritime, oil & gas and clean energy sectors – what’s in it for the Philippines?”, especially looked at the possibilities for LNG projects in South East Asia. Further, Mr. Sandvær touched upon Norway – Asia Summit 2011 which be held in Singapore 29 September – 1 October.
With delicious food, good company and an interesting presentation, the PNBC members and guests were satisfied with the first Networking Luncheon, and we now look forward to the next one, which will take place in September.