PNBC holds Economic and Political Briefing


For the exclusive benefit of its members, the Philippines Norway Business Council (PNBC) held a Political and Economic Risk Briefing last September 14, 2016 at the Shangri-la Makati. The key objective was to provide expert insights on the prospects and ramifications of recent economic and political developments in the country and the ASEAN region, about three months into the presidency of Pres. Rodrigo Duterte.

The event was, in cooperation with Ateneo de Manila University – School of Government, which provided speakers on the subjects of interest. Dr. Alvin Ang delved into the current state of the economy and the short term prognosis. On the other hand, Dr. Antonio La Vina, former Dean of the Ateneo School of Government, gave an incisive analysis of the current political setting and its implications towards doing business in the Philippines, among others. He utilized the SWOT approach to analyze the current administration’s general trajectory.

The event was attended by 40 members. And with the very active Q&A session that ensued after the presentations, it was quite evident that the event was very timely, and of great interest to PNBC and its members. The insights from the briefing are expected to positively contribute to more informed business decisions.