Many of the participants felt that the timing could not be any better as the Philippines Norway Business Council ushered the topic of health to take centerstage at the last PNBC Networking Luncheon held on 03 November 2016. A team led by Mr. Adrian Stray from Marine Benefits Assistance Services (MBAS) did a data-rich presentation on “Global Health Challenges Towards 2030. Breaking the Negative Spiral“.

Based on its own study relating to health trends amongst seafarers and their dependents, MBAS made a very compelling case for the need to elevate the level of awareness of companies and management on the alarming upswing of non-communicable diseases (NCD) and lifestyle-related health statistics. Together with statistics from the likes of World Bank and the World Economic Forum, the presented trends gave an interesting picture of the global health challenges in the years to come.

The participating members of PNBC definitely had their interest awakened as evidenced by the onslaught of questions that ensued following the presentation. There was convergence of thoughts about the matter of lifestyle-related health concerns needing a high-level of attention in the company, with possibly the key management people having to lead the way by setting a good example. Everyone seems to also agree to the proposition that focus should be given to investing early in prevention and good health promotion, rather than spend for cures and even health claims.

We thank everyone who attended this PNBC Networking Luncheon event, and we hope to see you all again in the next one!