Exclusive Invitation to Members of Philippines Norway Business Council – Norwegian Risk Forum 2014


Norwegian Risk Consulting International – NRCI has the pleasure of providing the members of Philippines Norway Business Council with an exclusive invitation to Norwegian Risk Forum 2014 – an international conference taking place at the Grand Hotel in Oslo on October 23 – 24.

NRCI is a risk consulting company with headquarters in Oslo. NRCI provides risk assessments and risk consulting services to companies, investors and government agencies seeking to establish business or invest in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America.

NRCI hosts an annual international conference – Norwegian Risk Forum (NRF). NRF 2014 is hosted at Grand Hotel in Oslo on October 23 – 24 and the topic is Risks and Rewards for Foreign Investors in Southeast Asia. NRF 2014 is the fifth year the NRF conference is hosted in Oslo and NRF has become a leading arena focusing on risks and opportunities in international growth markets.

NRCI gathers world leading experts from Southeast Asia and Norway, diplomats, and leading business people from a range of companies.

Topics and Speakers include: 

  • Political Risks, Security Threats and Business Opportunities in the Philippines, Maria Ressa, Founder and CEO, Rappler, Philippines
  • Political Risks and Business Dynamics in Malaysia H. E. Ambassador Hans Ola Urstad, Royal Norwegian Embassy, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Risks and Risk Management During Business Establishments in Southeast Asia Tom Doknes, VP – Safety and Security, Telenor Group
  • Political Unrest, Risk Drivers and Business Implications in Thailand Paul Chambers, Director of Research, Institute of Southeast Asia Affairs, University of Chiang Mai
  • Risks from Establishing Production Facilites in Vietnam Per Quang Fjellstad, Owner, Cavoi Ltd, Vung Tau, Vietnam
  • Market Entry Risks and Security Challenges in Myanmar  Political Analyst, NRCI
  • Political Dynamics and Security Threats in Indonesia (Presentation via Web-link) Sidney Jones, Director, Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Piracy and Maritime Risks in the Malacca and Singapore Straits, Political Analyst, NRCI
  • Security Threats in Singapore and Malaysia – Implications for Companies and Investors Anton Chan, Research Analyst, International Center for Political Violence and Terrorism Research (ICPVTR) S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Singapore (Via Web-link)
  • Conflicting Territorial Claims and Regional Dynamics – Spratly Islands and the South China Sea Political Analyst, NRCI
  • Business Development and Market Entry in Indonesia and Singapore Torunn Taralrud, Regional Director – South & Southeast Asia, Innovation Norway

In addition, NRF 2014 includes interactive panel debates and group sessions where you may share experiences & lessons learned and also learn from others. Norwegian Risk Forum Dinner onThursday October 23 at Grand Café is also an opportunity to build contacts in a more informal group setting. Before the dinner we meet in Etoile Bar on the 8th floor at Grand Hotel for a pre-dinner drink.

PNBCs members get 30 % discount when registering before September 30: Click here for online registration:  Registration for Norwegian Risk Forum 2014

The offer is also available to member companies’ employees located at offices in Norway. Therefore, if you are not able to attend you may advice one of your colleagues in Norway to attend.

Remember to notify in your registration that you are a Member of Philippines Norway Business Council to ensure that you get the 30 % discount. 

All Norwegian Risk Forum participants gain access to all the presentations and notes from the panel discussions and group sessions through a password-protected page on NRCI’s website after NRF 2014 is completed. Thereby you may use these presentations and notes in your future business development work and international strategies for further expansion and operations in Southeast Asia.

Welcome to Norwegian Risk Forum 2014.

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