PNBC Starts 2013 Right
As its way of starting the year right, PNBC held its first Networking Luncheon last 06 February, 2013 at its usual place, the I’m Angus Restaurant in Yakal, St., Makati City.
The event had had Norway’s Deputy Minister for Trade and Industry, Ms. Kristin Maurstad as guest speaker. She was introduced by Norwegian Ambassador Knut Solem.
Deputy Minister Maurstad highlighted in her talk the issues raised by the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) over the Philippines’ shortcomings when it comes to the implementation of the STCW Convention. The upcoming audit by EMSA will be sometime during the first quarter of 2013.
Deputy Minister Maurstad explained that the Philippines seeked the assistance of Norway in rectifying some of the deficiencies, and that the work on improving the system has begun.
Another topic that sparked a lot of interest was in the area of free trade agreements that may possibly be forged in the future between EU countries and the Philippines and its Asian neighbours.
The event was a record high in terms of attendance, with 55 members and guests, including representatives from the newly-formed Nordic Business Council. It was also a record high in terms of active participation in the discussions that ensued after the Deputy Minister’s talk.