OPAPP Secretary Graces PNBC Event
It was a welcome whiff of fresh air for PNBC members last June 10, 2015 as the Council held its networking luncheon this time in a special venue. The event was held at the Residence of Norwegian Ambassador Erik Forner in North Forbes, Makati City and the occassion was graced by the presence of no other than Secretary Teresita Quintos-Deles, the Presidential Adviser for the Peace Process.
Sec. Deles gave a talk on the key features of the Bagsamoro Basic Law that has recently been passed by the Ad Hoc Committee of the Lower House, and shared her insights on the way forward. She was joined by former Dept. of Agriculture Senen Bacani who expounded on the economic side of development and the role of the business sector.
PNBC President Ivar Thomasli acted as moderator during the open forum.
After the session with Sec. Deles, CSR Working Group Head Rodolfo Azanza said a few words about the PNBC CSR Guidebook that was launched by the Council for the benefit of its member companies.
The event was attended by 47 members and representatives, making this another well attended luncheon of PNBC. Thank you to Ambassador Forner for hosting this last Networking Luncheon prior to the long Norwegian summer.