Message from the Board of Trustees
Dear members of PNBC,
We hope and trust that you are all well and healthy. Many of you are dealing with challenging business-conditions on top of health-worries, and we want to do what we can to help.
In our last meeting of the Board of Trustees, we agreed as follows: All memberships that are renewed or started during 2021 will be automatically be valid until end-2022. We encourage you to make good use of this.
For the many who have already paid, the above of course applies to you too. For those who have not yet paid: We recognize the difficult times, and hope to make renewal easier for you by effectively cutting the fee by half.
We are also pleased to announce new members of PNBC. More details of these will be forthcoming soon. Both of these companies operate in interesting lines of business – listening to them explain who they are and what they do promises to be an interesting experience. We may well end up having to do their introduction as an online event, but so be it.
If there are topics you as a member think we should focus on and arrange an online event for, please do let us know. We have deliberately kept a low profile, as so many of us are a little exhausted with the endless flow of online events.
Likewise, if there is anything you feel PNBC should advocate for more strongly, again please do let us know. We will discuss all suggestions in our next Board-meeting later this month.
In the meantime, please do your utmost to stay healthy and safe. The vaccines are arriving, plans are made for inoculations and we look forward to a time where we can all meet again. In person!
Safe wishes,
For the Board of Trustees
Carl M. Faannessen
President – PNBC