Creating Currents Together

“Creating Currents Together” was a resounding success. The visit from Statsraad Lemkuhl created an unforgettable backdrop for two intense days.  It was an excellent build-up to 2023, where we will celebrate 75 years of diplomatic relations between our two countries.

We are grateful to our friends and partners at the Royal Norwegian Embassy, the Norwegian Shipowners’ Association and to all our members and sponsors who supported the event. In PNBC we have always been focused on the good conversation, and this event was no exception.

At “Creating Currents Together” connections were made, doors were opened, opportunities were created and Norway was positioned as a competent partner in many of the challenges facing the Philippines. The Philippines was positioned as an attractive and welcoming country for Norwegian investors, well-supported by its embassy in Norway and Ambassador Fos.

With an expert moderator and world-class participants on all the panels, we had discussions and disagreements that made us more aware of what we can achieve by working together.

One of the main takeaways: To date, the two main pillars of cooperation have been the maritime and energy sectors. Going forwards, these will increasingly overlap as the Philippines starts harvesting renewable energy from offshore resources. This development will require a coordinated effort from both countries. Together we must deliver offshore energy that is genuinely sustainable, and we must evolve a local maritime services industry to support this. While there is much work to be done, we are confident that the dialogue that has now started will be successful.

All the work that went into creating the event did not just produce a two-day gathering – it created a platform and a brand. These are valuable assets, and we will continue to invest in them.

For all of us working to further improve relations between the Philippines and Norway, we look forward to 2023. There are more currents to be created together.